Monisha Fitness

My Goals

Step 1: Desire

I would like to improve my body composition. 

Step 2: Belief

I believe I can reach my goal of improving my body composition, because I strive to be a police officer of Memphis.

Step 3: Analyze Where You Are

I currently can 3 push-ups without stopping. 

Step 4: Set Realistic Goals

I want to lose 10 pounds by June 15, 2011. 

Step 5: Write Your Goals in Detail 

I am going to jump-rope for five minutes 4 days a week.
I am to do 3 sets of 15 with 5 pound dumbells.
I am going to run a mile a week.
I will not drink sodas Monday-Friday

Step 6: List All the Benefits You Will Receive

The benefits of improving my body composition are: being more healthy, easier to do physical labor at work, live longer, and reduce risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

Step 7: Identify Obstacles

Some obstacles I will face are busy work schedule, lots of homework, some days I donot feel like working out.

Step 8 - Identify Knowledge You Will Need

I need to know my current weight and set aside certain days I know can exercise.

Step 9 - Make a Plan of Action

I plan to do 3X5 reps of 5 pound dumbells.
I plan to do 20 squats daily. 
I plan to do 4 push-ups every other day.
I plan to run one mile a week.

Step 10 - Develop A Timeline

Week 1-Run 1/4 mile straight.
Week 3-Run 1/2 mile straight.
Week 5- Run 3/4 mile straight.

Step 11 - Monitor Your Progress

Step 12 - Never Give Up