Monisha Fitness

"Components of Fitness"

Guiding Questions

What is the difference between health-related fitness and skill-related physical fitness?

Health-related fitness is the components of fitness everybody needs to be healthy, regardless of age, race, or gender. Skill-related fitness is the neccesssary components needed to be successful in certain sports.

What are the health-related components of physical fitness?

The health- related components of physical fitness are body composition (ratio of fat to muscle), flexibility, muscular endurance, strength, and cardiovascular endurance. 

Why does a person not have to be a good athlete to become physically fit?

  To be considered a good athlete, both health-related and skill-components of fitness must be on point.  Skill-related components of fitness must good, such as agility, power, and speed.  It is not neccessary to have agility, power, and speed to be consideedd a physically fit.   

Why is fit important to know your current level of health-related fitness?

It is important to know your current level of health-related fitness, because you need to know how you can better your health, which can lead to a longer, healthier, and happier life.  If you know your current level of health-related fitness, it is possible to prevent and stop diseases of health problems that may occur in the future, and it is possible to treat any diseases that have already formed in your body.